Last weekend the 2nd round of Italian Nationals was helded in the beautiful track of Fiorano close to Ferrari factory. For 1/8 expert category only, this is the first leg as Sicilian round was canceled. Almost 80 entries in different classes for both categories 1/10 and 1/8. Our Italian team attended the race with enthusiasm preparing the most awaited commitments of summer season. Weather was really hot with average 30˚ in the air; rules are little bit different to what we are used to as tires are “free” and tire treatment is allowed. Also “racing side” is bit different with “Rocket Round” to count for the TQ and 4 fastest directly in Amain. Dario, Lamberto, Carmine and Alberto were powered with IF18 while Francesco officially “shake-down” the new IF15.

From the beginning Balestri and Raiola were the fastest on the track with Collari and Picco little bit slower but still close; in 1/10 Tironi hardly fought with usual contender as Mazzeo and Loppini. Qualifying was super close in both categories with Dario fastest in 3 rounds (on 4) followed close from Carmine that showed a good pace. Lamberto and Alberto was in semifinal; Francesco took 2nd place overall after leading for most part of the day in 1/10.

In semifinal Collari start first and leaded tone to tone; Picco suffered some troubles but get the bump up spot for Amain. In Junior class (F2) the young Antonio di Marino get an honorable 9 number plate for his Amain; during his final Antonio showed often good speed but also some mistakes that only allowed him to confirm his starting position. Tironi played his strategy very well using all his knowledge of tire consumption: his move is to not change tires while competitors did… He leaded for most part of the race but few minutes to the end he suffer engine cut-off twice during the refueling allowing Loppini to recover the gap and leaving him the win.

Best part of the show will probably be the 1/8 expert Final… Balestri show the “muscles” trying to pull away from the field at early stage… Raiola was in Dario’s roots with his rhythm without really taking care of competitors but really concentrate on his pace… Collari gained a position at the start but stuck too long behind Salemi to claim the victory. Different strategies make this race awesome with Dario, Carmine and Lamberto swapping the lead many times; Dario was the first to change only outside tires to try something different from “safe tactic” he used in last races that seemed to penalized him; Luck wasn’t on his side and he has to stop after only 20 minutes. Raiola “make it happen” driving carefully and controlling the recover of Collari that arrived 3 seconds behind for a 1-2 Infinity podium. Congrats Carmine! Summer season is on the way… Stay tuned!

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