IFS, Suzuka - Japan
27 Oct > 05 Nov, 2023

Finally after a four year wait the IFMAR 1:8 Onroad World Championship was back at Infinity International RC Speedway (IFS) in Japan.
It was a ten day long battle where all the competitors gave their all to win the most desired title in RC!! After an intense one hour final it was Infinity’s Dario Balestri who came out on top winning the World title for the second time in his career… and in doing so became only the second driver in the history of IFMAR’s original category to be a repeat winner after the multiple champion Lamberto Collari.
This success was a great addition to our Palmarés: another title for Infinity brand and the first for the new born IF18-III which made its debut at the most important event of the season.
A well deserved success thanks to the amazing skills of Dario who led a final worthy of the champion he proved to be!
Moreover a collaborative effort by the whole team allowed us to place six cars in the Amain and surpass the 50% of the entries; numbers that give to our work immeasurable value.
With this result we want to thank all those who chose to participate and wear our colours… it was a BLAST! We did it AGA1N!

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