R0211 - SPACER 3x8x2.0mm 10pcs


16 other products in the same category:

R0343 - REAR SUSPENSION ARM SET (Long Upper Type/IF18-2)

By extending the upper arm ball end boss by 3.5mm, the upper arm can be lengthened without any difficulty. The hole in the upper arm itself, which is combined with the upper arm, is also deeper, so it can be used in its shortest setting. Its now possiible to use this part for wide range of settings.


This tension roller flange prevents the middle belt from accidentally falling off in high load situations such as high temps or extreme high traction. Fixed in place so as not to increase rotating mass of the roller it is also shaped to prevent any step between the belt and the flange. Offered in black and titian colour. (Can also be used for IF15. Please use the included M3x15mm screw.)


Installing this part significantly improves rigidity to the rear section of the chassis around the gear area, enabling more reliable power transmission, increasing acceleration and top speed. In addition to this the increased pitching rigidity of the chassis helps to add initial response and a sharper steering feel.